Odie's Breakfast Blend

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Odie's Breakfast Blend, like our furry friend, is ready to help begin your day by putting a smile on your face. It is a smooth, bright, and a well-caffeinated blend of Latin American coffee regions. 

Cupping Notes: Chocolate, macadamia nuts, pomegranate, and plum.  Ends with a medium body.

Roast Level: City [medium]

Extra Info:  Odie is a fluffy dog and THE company dog.  We are sure he is a reincarnated ancient samurai warrior, who had an incredible love for his breakfast meals every morning.  To realign himself after nights of battle and saving lives, the following morning, he had to have his cup of coffee and any food that complimented it.

We attempt to recreate his favorite breakfast blend in our roast profile and pass it on to you, so that you may carry on his legacy and tradition.

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