You got 99 problems...98% are water. Let’s start with the basics. Coffee is 98% water. And water contains trace amounts of minerals. These minerals can enhance, detract, or negatively interact with the flavor, aromas and characteristics of coffee. So the type, origin, and quality of water can make or break your brew. Here are our friendly tips. The Trap of Tap Not all tap water is created equal. Depending on where you live, tap water is treated with chlorine and sometimes fluoride. These chemical additives, and their bi-products, such as chloramine, not only negatively affect the...
How to Brew Coffee Using The Pour-Over Technique Coffee lovers like brewing coffee using the pour-over method because it produces just the perfect cup of coffee. What You Will Need: Freshly-ground coffee, Pour-over device, Filter Carafe Boiling water Pouring kettle Scale Timer Procedure: Step 1: Rinse Pour a few grams of hot water over the filter to rinse some paper or chlorine flavors away. Discard the water. Step 2: Prepare Place the pour-over device, wet filter, and carafe onto the scale. Tare the scale. Add 22 grams of freshly-ground coffee. Shake it gently until it is level. Tare the...